Notifications (deprecated)

This method is deprecated in favor of Webhooks.

See Webhook as the preferred way to get notifications about events happening during the voucher lifecycle.

You should set a notification URL in your backoffice in field reserveNotificationUrl.

For example, if your endpoint is:

Cas 1 : Voucher reservation

When a voucher is reserved, Jackpot calls this endpoint:

POST<myNotificationKey> with

  • <myNotificationKey>: notificationKey sent in JWT
  • payload (same format as output of routes POST /v2/stores/{storeId}/offers/{offerId}/reserve-voucher-by-price and POST /v2/stores/{storeId}/offers/{offerId}/reserve-voucher-by-value):
    "id":"d9708add-6307-418b-a3fc-8c82aa11c9a9",    // Voucher's id
    "state":"RESERVED",                             // Voucher's state
    "value":110,                                    // Voucher value
    "price":150,                            // Voucher price
    "reservationDate":"2017-06-24T15:27:32.502Z",   // Reservation date
    "validityDate":"2018-01-31T00:00:00.000Z",      // Voucher's expiration date
    "resaExpireDate":"2017-06-26T15:27:37.502Z",    // Reservation's expiration date
    "couponId":"AGYPMNVXPJ",                        // Human friendly id (for support)

You can identify the end-user who reserved the voucher using the notification key, which is the one you provided in the JWT.

If you agree with the voucher reservation the endpoint must reply with a 200 status code.

Jackpot then confirms voucher and edits it.

Cas 2 : Voucher's availability

Jackpot calls this endpoint when the confirmed voucher is ready.

POST<myNotificationKey> with

  • <myNotificationKey> : notificationKey sent in jwt
  • payload (same format as output of routes POST /v2/stores/{storeId}/offers/{offerId}/reserve-voucher-by-price and POST /v2/stores/{storeId}/offers/{offerId}/reserve-voucher-by-value):
    "id":"d9708add-6307-418b-a3fc-8c82aa11c9a9",    // Voucher's id
    "state":"READY",                             // Voucher's state
    "value":110,                                    // Voucher value
    "price":150,                            // Voucher price
    "reservationDate":"2017-06-24T15:27:32.502Z",   // Reservation date
    "validityDate":"2018-01-31T00:00:00.000Z",      // Voucher's expiration date
    "resaExpireDate":"2017-06-26T15:27:37.502Z",    // Reservation's expiration date
    "couponId":"AGYPMNVXPJ",                        // Human friendly id (for support)
    "signedUrl":"https://someurl",                                     // Signed URL to voucher PDF, valid for one hour
    "confirmDate":"2017-06-24T15:27:32.502Z",                             // Voucher's confirmation date
    "sendDate":"2017-06-24T17:27:32.502Z",                                // Voucher's send date

This endpoint must reply with a 200 status code.

Note that you should download the voucher PDF using the provided URL (NOTE : url is valid for an hour. If it has expired, you can get a new one via route “GET /v2/vouchers/{voucherId}/signedurl”)