Key components

Optionnal Widget

Offers can be shown in a carrousel allowing people to browse and select an offer:

You can customize the widget with several options listed here

Voucher (coupon)

PDF format, downloadable via a signed url.

You make voucher available to the user (if you want Jackpot send vouchers to users, please contact us).

a coupon


The backoffice is available on

You can find useful endpoints depending on development environment here: Environment.

Your receive your credentials at your account creation.

Security & api keys (Sécurité et clés d'API)

  1. Domaine: authorized domain where widget can be used (all subdomains are enabled)
  2. Api Signature: secret phrase to sign JWT token
  3. ApiKey: Api authentication key used to authenticate on token initialization endpoint
  4. Reserve notification URL: endpoint to be notified on coupon reservation